I am a wife, mother & keen photographer with an obsession for Scrap booking. My motto is live life to the max and don't regret too much!
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Well today was the Physios appointment. I was scared, not because of the appointment but because i had to go back to the neonatal unit. Gosh was my stomach churning. Well she was really pleased with him, she doesn't want to see him again until the end of October so i'm happy with that. The Physiotherapist has asked me to participate in a Teaching Day at the hospital in June. There are going to be 12 healthcare professionals there including her as well as Doctors, Nurses, Resp consultants, Speech Therapist and then little old me! She wants me to give a talk about my experiences of being a Preemie mum. I was shocked and am very nervous about it. I don't like standing and talking in front of people but i have plenty of time to prepare. After the appt we went into the unti to see the staff. Everyone was ohhhing and awwwing at him and thought he was fabulous, which of course he is! BTW, Corey has his NG tube back in today :( It's for the best really and we'll see how things progress.
Its going to be nervewracking talking about your experience of prematurity but I know you can do it - and extremely well too! It must have felt so strange going back to the NICU, I bet Corey won them all over though, and I bet he got his cheeks pinched in the process!
Name: Cath Home: Sheffield, United Kingdom About Me: A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for. See my complete profile
Its going to be nervewracking talking about your experience of prematurity but I know you can do it - and extremely well too! It must have felt so strange going back to the NICU, I bet Corey won them all over though, and I bet he got his cheeks pinched in the process!