I am a wife, mother & keen photographer with an obsession for Scrap booking. My motto is live life to the max and don't regret too much!
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I feel so tired. I don't sleep well at all these days and to be honest i find myself most nights laid awake on the sofa only to wake up early in the morning to the sound of Corey upstairs ready to get up. It isn't doing me any good nor my moods so i must learn to try an sleep in my bed again. I think my minds too active from either being on the net or watching TV but it's what i enjoy. Corey is also having an erratic sleep pattern. It's never before 8pm when he goes to sleep these days even though he goes to bed at 7pm. He often wakes in the night too although he usually goes straight back to sleep. Also his afternoon nap has gone back to 45 mins from a couple of hours. Hopefully this is all because he's getting his last 2 teeth but we shall see.
Name: Cath Home: Sheffield, United Kingdom About Me: A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for. See my complete profile
It appears we are having a similar situation with our little miracle boys. I hope you can get more sleep soon.