I am a wife, mother & keen photographer with an obsession for Scrap booking. My motto is live life to the max and don't regret too much!
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So once again we are back to not eating savoury food! Yesterday he had hardly anything savoury and today has been the same. At breakfast we managed 4 small pieces of toast before he had his yoghurt and his milk. We've just had lunch and he had a whole 5 mouthfuls of baked potato with cheese and beans. What can i do? I can't force him to eat the damn stuff. I am so stressed by it all. It would be so much easier to put the bloody tube back ain and give him milk but i am not prepared to do that. He's lost 6oz already and i can't afford for him to lose anymore. Maybe i should give him the newspaper or something as he'll quite happily munch on paper at the minute but i'm pretty sure there are no calories in it! So we are back to yoghurt city! Everytime he doesn't eat his savouries he gets a yoghurt because apart from desserts that the only thing i know i can get him to eat. Any suggestions would be most welcome!!!
Sorry to vent on here, thats all i ever seem to do these days!
How about trying a nice baked sweet potato with some creamy topiing on? Kind of kill two birds with one stone if ykwim? Corey gets the sweet taste, plus the evil vegetables in one! Hope things are on an upward trend for your little man again soon!
you can do it, girlie.....he'll do it.....i'm so sorry that it's been such a rough go of it with the eating. i hope that he gets to eating a better variety of things soon.
Hey ya... Thanks for visiting my blog... My mother-in-law takes care of a lot of kids in foster care... and when she gets one that is sick or needs to put on weight she gives them this- http://www.pediasure.com/homepage.cfm I'm just not sure if you have this in the UK... I know that she also fed them a lot of refried beans and yogurt also...
Name: Cath Home: Sheffield, United Kingdom About Me: A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for. See my complete profile
Aw Im sorry Cath!
How about trying a nice baked sweet potato with some creamy topiing on? Kind of kill two birds with one stone if ykwim? Corey gets the sweet taste, plus the evil vegetables in one! Hope things are on an upward trend for your little man again soon!