I am a wife, mother & keen photographer with an obsession for Scrap booking. My motto is live life to the max and don't regret too much!
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Well after there being a bit of a troll bead explosion amongst friends i decided that i needed to get on the bandwagon and start to build my own bracelet. Now i haven't got the actual bracelet as yet but i felt the need to buy my first bead for it. The idea is that you get beads for special occasions so that the bracelet is somewhat sentimental. So my first bead was to mark the new year, 2007, and the change in me that my resolutions have brought. I'm hoping that i will get another bead, a silver one, for either Valentines or Mothers day but the likelihood is that i will have to buy it myself as DH doesn't have a clue. Anyway i decided that the troll beads although lovely were not really unique as they are obviously mass produced but a very lovely cyberfriend has her own bead website called A String of Beads and has just started to make these little gems and they are all unique and made by her own fair hands! So they went up on the website and i think within the hour they were all gone but luckily i managed to get 'Under the Sea' which is gorgeous don't you think? I am so excited about my latest obsession!!
I love Jaq's beads and even though I never wear jewellery I'm tempted by one on a simple silver chain.
As for being emotional at the tea dance I cry at anything even Cars. It's the bit at the end when he helps out the other car. At least you were upset at real people and not a cartoon xxx
Name: Cath Home: Sheffield, United Kingdom About Me: A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for. See my complete profile
That bead is very beautiful totally awesome!