I am a wife, mother & keen photographer with an obsession for Scrap booking. My motto is live life to the max and don't regret too much!
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So Thursday night was bad. Corey was up most of the night coughing, vomiting and generally miserable. Non of us got any sleep. So when we got up Friday morning i wasn't suprised to see him looking pathetic and poorly. Not sure if it's the old cold come back with a vengeance or if he has picked something else up. So he managed to eat his breakfast and his milk so i thought it wasn't too bad but then he started with a temp and just laid on the sofa whimpering. I rang the doctors who had an appt with the nurse early afternoon and so i booked that. But he looked so ill and had fallen asleep again and so i decided to take him up the childrens hospital cause i know he'd get checked out properly up there. We were seen almost straight away by the triage nurse but waited nearly 2 hrs to see the doctor. They checked his oxygen levels and heartrate - 97% and 159 so they were ok. His temp was 38, which was down on the 39 it was at home before i gave him Calpol. They weighed him and then gave him some Ibuprofen. When we eventually got in to see the doctor she did a thorough examination. Checked his throat, ears, chest and all his body for rashes. She said his ears were red but they weren't infected. His chest was clear and his throat was ok. If i was in any doubt at all i should bring him back. Anyway he fine up until dinner time when his fever came back. He didn't eat or drink much as he was tired and fed up so we gave him calpol and Ibuprofen and he wnt to bed where he slept on and off until 430am this morning. We weren't getting him up at that time so he laid quietly, drifting in and out of sleep until DH got him up at 6am. He did have some coco pops and a yoghurt plus milk for breakfast and has been fine until he gets sleepy when he gets a bit mardy. He has a slight temp of just over 38 this morning.
Not much happeneing for me at the moment. Housework and laundry this morning and i've just printed off a picture to do a layout which i may get done today :)
Name: Cath Home: Sheffield, United Kingdom About Me: A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for. See my complete profile
Wow! What a scarey adventure you had! Glad to hear Corey is doing better!