I am a wife, mother & keen photographer with an obsession for Scrap booking. My motto is live life to the max and don't regret too much!
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Well yesterday was a pretty mixed day. I've been suffering really bad with pains in my back and so headed of to the doctor in the afternoon. I gave a urine sample and he said it contained both protein and white blood cells which can indicate an infection. He has sent it off to the labs for analysis but in the meantime i have been given a 3 day course of antibiotics. I hope they start to work soon because the pain is quite bad, in fact i shouldn't really be here typing but be lying down ;)
The nurse dropped the pulse oximeter off as Corey had a trace last night. Won't be the last one but it's a step closer to permanently being rid of the oxygen. Well it went really well and he averaged 95% overnight in air so we are still in the clear! She is coming to spot check him in a week, which is great because uptil now she has been coming everyday. if the check is good in a week she will probably leave it a month before another trace and then hopefully that will be it!
Haven't done very much today apart from housework, ironing and looking after a grumpy baby! I thought i was going to have him to myself alday as Dave was supposed to be working really late but he managed to get home at teatime and he fed Corey, bathed him and put him to bed. It gives me a rest!
Had a nice suprise this evening, an email from a magazine who want to publish one of my scrapbook layouts so i am very, very happy!
Today is a special day too. It 'should' be Corey's birthday but as some of you know his birthday was on the 15th Nov. Well if he had been born when he was supposed to it would have been 2nd Feb 2004 so he would have been one today. Makes you think of what might have been! It was also my stepdaughter's birthday today. laura is now 17 and growing up incredibly fast. She came round for tea last night with Simon and we had Pizza Hut, yummy!
Name: Cath Home: Sheffield, United Kingdom About Me: A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for. See my complete profile