I am a wife, mother & keen photographer with an obsession for Scrap booking. My motto is live life to the max and don't regret too much!
Thankyou for taking the time to visit my blog!
So the weekend has been a bit of a contrast between one really busy day and then one relaxing day. Saturday i spent in Leicester with Corey at Bliss information day. It was really interesting and i came away with some invaluable information that i'll hopefully be able to pass on to others at the support group meetings. They had a Creche there for Corey and he really enjoyed himself and all the attention he got from everyone. It was nice to talk to all the other Mums of Preemies too. Unfortunately our train was an hour delayed coming home so it was 8 pm before we got home. Yesterday in contrast i did hardly anything. Had a very big sleep and got up at 9am(which is late for me) then sat in front of the TV with the computer for a good 3 hrs! Then did a very small amount of housework lol and had a hour in the garden planting out some veg and putting others in pots. Today Corey is at nursery this afternoon instead of this morning because i have my hospital appointment this afternoon and then as we don't have to pick Corey up until 6pm we are going to go for dinner on our own which will be nice. I get the results of my ultrasound today so fingers crossed it's all clear!
Have you ever watched a film that just tugs at your heart strings? Well yesterday i watched Patch Adams. Have never seen it before even though it's a fairly old film. Well i smiled, laughed and cryed my way through it and thought it was wonderful. Even more so when i realised at the end that it was actually based on a true story. The main character Patch did actually realise his dream and opened the Gesundheit Institute like he wanted too. If you haven't seen it then please do! Wednesday was nursery day and then we he came home from nursery i took the plunge and cut his hair as it was long overdue. He was a really good boy too and sat still playing with playdough whilst i did it. Yesterday was the Sheffield Bliss meet up and it was fun as usual. All the kids and mums had fun and hopefully we'll have another one soon! Nothing much else going on so will leave you with a couple of pictures. One of the new hair do and one of all the Mums and kids from yesterday. Bye for now!
Wow, aren't i good! Am trying to keep things up to date as i think falling behind in updating makes matters worse. Have been extremely tired and demotivated today. Woke around 2am feeling utter poo and proceeded to feel that way til about 4am so got up and watched some telly(ANTM, go Caridee!) Today i have felt okish, bit of tummy ache but mostly tired. Have had my dad up even though i could have done withot company. Have just finished off a 12x12 layout i started at the crop at the weekend but i'm not happy with it. Seems a bit plain to me and the colours are too samey. Ta ta for now!
I am seriously on the point of giving up the blog. Lots of reasons really.
1 - I'm not really enjoying it 2 - I find that I've never got any time to do it 3 - I never look back on past entries 4 - Although i don't keep it for other people to read it would be nice to get a few more visitors
Anyway, i'm going to see what happens over the next month or so and i'll make a decision from there.
Not really much happening right now. Corey is doing really well with his toilet training. We've haven't had a No 2 accident for around 3 weeks now and he's brilliant with No 1's when he is with us, but, when he's at nursery he tends to wet himself. I'm thinking this is because he's too occupied with other things so i'm hoping this is going to improve soon. He has been learning all about Cars and is getting so very clever. Everytime we walk up the road he has to tell me what make every car is. So far he knows - Citroen Vauxhall Honda Nissan Ford Renault Fiat Peugeot Skoda Volkswagon ............and the list is growing daily lol! Gardening wise everything is looking rosy. My Spinach, Sweetcorn and Butternut Squash are all flourishing. My tomatoes and peppers have yet to put in an appearance so hope they are going to take. The other stuff like Carrots and Courgettes which went straight into the soil aren't through yet but it's still a bit early. Have managed to do a little bit of scrapping and also went to the crop at the weekend and managed to do 3/4 of a layout that i'll hopefully get finished this week. Also ave signed up for a page swap on one of the scrapping forums which i hope will help motivate me a little. Nothing much planned for this week other than the Bliss meeting on Thursday which is always something to look forward too! Thanks for getting this far!
Wowza, hasn't it been warm! Not necessarily today and Monday but the weekend. Sunday started out glorious so we headed over to Millhouse Park for a walk around and took the football. The cafe was already busy at 0930 but there was a lovely little table outside that we manged to get and we sat and ate breakfast and coffee with the sun blaring down at us, it was lovely. Then we went for a mooch around the park and Corey went on the slide and we kicked the football around a bit before heading home and spending home time in the garden. Dave potted about and Corey had his swimming pool out which he spent a whole 10 minutes in! I digged out my veg patch and the proceeded to plant Carrots, Courgettes, Onions and Spring onions. Fingers crossed they take and we y got round to doing something about it. So my friend and I, Sarah, met with the Discharge Coordinator, Matron, Sister and Nurse as well as someone from Bliss the Premature Baby Charity. We do already meet monthly but this will formalise things and we're also planning on doing cget a nice crop in a few months. Yesterday i was nervous as i had a meeting at the Neonatal unit were Corey was born. I've wanted to set up a Support Group for ages and have eventualloffee mornings on the unit as well as offering some one to one help and advice and telephone support if needed. So hopefully things will move on now. I'm just in the process of getting a website up and running so look out for the Support Group Website coming soon! Today has been a plodding day as i call them where i just don't do very much with bits of housework inbetween lol! My Dad has been to visit this morning(much to the happiness of Corey as he brought Chocolate buttons!) and it was nice enough for us to sit in the garden drinking coffee :) I have also managed to bake bread nd get all my paperwork done today so i haven't done too bad. I'll leave you with pictures from the park this weekend. Ta ta for now!
Well it's been another really fast paced week. Corey's been keeping me on my toes but whats new! Toilet training is still going well and apart from the odd little dribble he's been going to the toilet consistently for the last 2 wks. I'm so proud of him! It'll also save me a small fortune if we can get him completely dry, nappies and wipes are just so expensive! So what have i been upto this week? Tuesday we went shopping with my Dad and all had breakfast together. Dad had got 2 new cars for Corey which he had sent away for and i also bought him one as i had promised it him for being a good boy on the toilet. Plus with the new clothes i got him he was a very spoilt little boy. Wednesday was my hospital appt. I had to go for an abdominal scan to do with this blood disorder and so set off as soon as i dropped Corey off at nursery. Had a browse round town and got to the hospital about 40mins early. Amazingly they wizzed me straight through and i was out in less than 1/2 hr. I thought it would be a quick 'undo your trousers' scan but i had to get dressed into one of those daft gowns. Wish i'd have shaved my legs lol! Anyway they were very thorough. Had me one my side and back and took about 20 mins. I didn't find anything out so have to wait til my next appt on the 30th. Afterwards i headed into town for some food cause i'd not been able to eat before the scan and they i went and bought some gardening stuff including one of those little greenhouses. We've doing alot of veg this yr in the garden so i've been planting like mad. Spinach, peppers, sweetcorn, carrots, courgettes, onions, spring onions and tomatoes. We've even got Corey in on the act growing his own Cress! Hopefully now the weather has picked up a bit i'll be able to get out in the garden more. Thursday was just a plod around the house day and then in the eveing i went to the Theatre with a friend. We went to see the Acorn Antiques musical and i must say it was wonderful. Real light hearted humour, amazing singing and dancing and great conversation with my friend. We had some dinner first and then went to watch. Even managed to change our seats to fab ones and had a great view! Friday morning was work, yawn, boring! Today i've been mega busy house tidying and put th new Vax machine i bought to good use and washed the living room carpet. I tell you, the amount of muck these machines get out of your carpets is amazing but stomach churning too. Anyway, it looks alot better(i think) but will be able to tell more once it's fully dry. I've also done laundry and cleaned all the Patio furniture. Hopefully tomorrow we're off otu for breakfast and a nice family walk around Rivelin Valley. Take Care everyone!
Not literally! I have spent the last 2 1/2 days decorating Corey's bedroom. Not the nicest way to spend a bank holiday i know, and the weather has been gorgeous, but i really wanted to get it done. His bedroom , although nice, was very babyish and he really wanted something to do with transport. So last week i went and got all the stuff and spent a small fortune. Got the wallpaper on Thursday and started on Saturday. I was going to paper over the existing paper but thought better of it in the end and had to strip off the old stuff. Anyway i finished around lunchtime today and i LOVE it! So does Corey, in fact he wanted to go to from about 5pm! He spent time laying on his bed and just looking around while i sorted through his clothes. He even went to sleep with his little revolving lamp on. So it's been a very busy weekend in that respect. Dave and Corey have spent most of the weekend together. They've been on trains and on the bike and to the Park so they've had a great time. Tonight we've been out for dinner and i stuffed myself silly, a bit of a treat for finishing the room. Have got a major busy week this week. Tues and Thurs are visiting days, Weds i have the hospital and Friday i am working. Looking forward to Thursday night as i'm going to see Acorn Antiques at the theatre with a friend. Will leave you with the before and after pictures of Corey's room :) Hope you've all had a great Easter!
This week has sped past at about 300mph. To be honest i can't actually remember what i've done! The start of the week Corey was fab. He's been doing so well with his Potty training. We had about 3 complete dry days and he's even been dry most mornings when he's got up. Also 2 straight days we managed No 2's on the toilet. So on Wednesday i decided that i'd send him to nursery in big boys pants. I dropped him off and headed into town. I'd promised him a Transformer toy for being such a big boy and so spent a small fortune on one! Coming back i got off the bus and the children were on the playground. I looked for Corey but one of the nursery assistants said he's been took inside to be changed as he's had an 'accident'. Yes, it turns out he'd got a bit of an upset tummy and had done it in his pants. Couldn't be upset with him about it as you know what it's like yourself when you have a dodgy tum. So yesterday he was a bit off and had stomach ache on and off all day. He turned the corner about teatime but has been off his food for the last couple of days. Yesterday i went and got the wallpaper for Coreys bedroom and i'm hoping to make a start on it tomorrow. Wish me luck! Oh and here are a couple of new pictures of Corey. One in his new Fireman Sam PJs and one with his new Transformer :)
The last few days have been really great(even though i have a very painful health problem at the moment!) It started last Thursday when i met up with friends and we took the kids to Junglemania for some playtime. The kids really enjoy it, in fact Corey and his friend Harry are as thick as thieves when they get together. So they played and we had a real good natter. Nothing really happened Friday other than me going to work for a few hours oh and how can i forget purchasing a new dolly bead! I managed to get one called Lily. Gorgeous green with silver encased it it. Hopefully it will be here tomorrow! . Saturday was the Scrapaholics crop which is always great fun, today being no exception. Had lots of laughs, lots of chat about beads and managed to almost complete a layout. DH and I watched a film in the evening called Transamerica. It was ok but not something i'd watch again . Yesterday was a lovely relaxing day. We went out early and had coffee and croissants at a coffee shop near the Park. Afterwards we went for a walk in the Park an fed peanuts to the squirrels. There are so many there and they are tame enough to take the peanuts from you hand(although you have to be very careful of sharp teeth!). Corey really enjoyed it as there were pigeons and squirrels running about everywhere. Afterwards we went and bought some plain wallpaper for Corey's bedroom as i'm planning on decorating his room very soon. I'm going to put stickers on the wall hence the plain paper. Today has been a busy day. Dropped Corey off at nursery and then went into town and met my friend for coffee. Then i hopped on the tram and went to Crystal peaks shopping centre to get the stuff for Corey's bedroom. We are going with a digger theme and i'm so excited about doing it. Hopefully i'll be able to start it towards the end of the week :)
Name: Cath Home: Sheffield, United Kingdom About Me: A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for. See my complete profile