Just Me!

I am a wife, mother & keen photographer with an obsession for Scrap booking. My motto is live life to the max and don't regret too much! Thankyou for taking the time to visit my blog!

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    Short but sweet
    Monday, July 30, 2007
    Yes thats what this post is going to be!
    It's been a pretty chilled and relaxed weekend really and really nice.
    Saturday i went and got my nails done and then headed off to town for a little bit of retail therapy.
    I wasn't feeling 100% after my dodgy stomach on Friday but was a lot better.
    When i got back Dave went off and did a bit of canoeing(he's a tad obsessed now!)
    Sunday we headed down to Leicester to a friend's birthday BBQ. It was a really nice day and the weather, unlike recent times, was really hot! Corey was in his element with all the attention that was lavished upon him and I got to meet up with a couple of people i used to work with so reminiscing about old times was nice. The BBQ was lovely too and I would have liked to have stayed longer but Dave can be a bit of a party pooper lol! Nice cosy night in last night and the same again tonight i think. Today has been mostly housework and laundry with a bit of gardening thrown in. Pretty busy week after today. Tues we have Speech Therapy, Wednesday i'm doing my support bit at the Neonatal Unit, Thursday is visiting day i think and then Friday AM off to Sandra and Matts. Looking forward to Saturday though as a group of us are off to Scarborough. Hope the weather stays good!
    Au revoir for now peeps!
    posted by Cath @ 6:21 PM   2 comments
    Thursday, July 26, 2007
    Well i managed to make it to my doctors and hospital appts and both went well.
    No change from the hospital point of view and don't have to go back for another 10 wks.
    We've not really been doing much here as the weather is still pretty awful. Corey and I have been doing lots of baking over the last couple of days. Yesterday I made a butternut squash broth and then Corey helped me make an Apple and Cinnamon loaf cake. Today we have made chocolate buns and he scoffed two of them(as did I!). Have had a bit of an appetite today and have just eaten a banana and half a packet of dry roasted peanuts! Someone tell me to stop eating please!
    posted by Cath @ 2:02 PM   2 comments
    You are a Mild Mama

    You don't have to be screaming at the top of your lungs to have a good time
    You rather chill, soak in the moment, and appreciate life for what it is
    Guys appreciate your "take life as it comes" approach...
    (Though they wouldn't mind if you got a little wild from time to time!)
    posted by Cath @ 7:56 AM   0 comments
    Monday, July 23, 2007
    Well I don't have a huge amount to tell to be honest. I'm becoming a bit of a boring blogger!
    Am feeling tired this morning because I had a late night and Corey has been up all night and awake since 520am. He's got some tummy bug i think and keeps going to the toilet. I'm supposed to be going to the doctors this morning and for the 2nd week in a row I'll probably have to cancel. I have the hospital this afternoon as well so i'm hoping i'll be able to keep that appointment. More blood tests to check my levels and more bruises i guess.
    I'm waiting to hear back from Mint Salons at the moment. I had my nails done with them a couple of weeks and they lasted all of 5 days. Not great value for money at £43 is it. I will get my money back though, i can be very determined when i need to be!
    The weekend has been a good one. Dave and his mate Adam went canoeing on Saturday at Rother Valley and then we went looking at boats. Just need to get some cash now to pay for one now! I've been thinking about having a go myself but water scares me a little, even though i can swim, so Dave has suggested an open canoe so i might give one of those a try.
    Yesterday we didn't do very much. Dave went walking with Corey while i stayed at home and did mundane stuff. I was feeling a bit irritable and drained so it did me good to stay behind. We wanted to go out last night but couldn't get a baby sitter so didn't do much. Dave beat me at Trivial Pursuits but only by one wedge! We didn't actually finish the game cause we got a bit bored after 2 hrs!
    Don't have a huge amount planned this week. I feel like i need a change. I need to get out and do something different but i really don't know what?!!!
    Take care guys and have a good week!
    posted by Cath @ 6:39 AM   5 comments
    Wednesday, July 18, 2007

    Yes, i've actually been scrapping!
    One i did at the crop on Saturday and the other i did last night for the IACW blog(talk about leave til the last minute!) I was chatting to a friend for most of the afternoon/evening and so didn't get finished til quite late.
    Dave went out to a canoe lesson and it looks like this is going to be the latest fad along with the bike and running. It's a wonder he's not disappeared with all this exercise! Not sure what i'm doing later because he might be working but if he's not then i think we'll snuggle up and watch a film. If he's working then he'll be off tomorrow and we may go somewhere for the day(weather permitting!). Tomorrow night i am off out with my friend Dawn for dinner and then to see Chicago at the Lyceum theatre, am looking forward to that!
    Well, think that's about it for now folks. Catcha later! xx

    posted by Cath @ 1:53 PM   3 comments
    Tuesday, July 17, 2007
    Do you know, even though a week has gone by i don't really know what to blog about!
    At the moment i am sitting here contemplating whether Corey should go for a nap. I have my music on, loud, and Corey is watching TV(yes bad mummy!)
    I have a cold and cough and feel a bit rough if i'm honest. I should have been visiting the Mummies at the neonatal unit tomorrow but all those sick babies would not appreciate my bugs so it's been reorganised for 2 wks time. I also have a sore foot. I stood on the end of a tape measure which happened to be stuck up and made of metal so i now have a nice hole in my foot!
    Tonight i definately have to do some crafting as well as tidy up my craft room cause it's looks like there's been a tornado in there! Doesn't matter how often i tidy it though, a week or so later it looks the same!
    As i can't think of anything else to put right now i'll leave you with a thought for the day!

    You can choose to be annoyed by just about everything. But why would you wish to be annoyed by anything?
    As easily as you can choose to be annoyed, you can choose to be peaceful, patient and understanding. Instead of putting your energy into being annoyed, you can put it into more valuable and productive pursuits.
    Would you like to make yourself into a victim, or would you prefer to be firmly in control of your life? Peaceful patience, tolerance and acceptance will keep you in control.

    If there is a situation that needs to be changed, take action to make that change happen. Don't waste your time with being annoyed.

    The next time you encounter a situation that would normally annoy you, stop and remember that you have another choice. Instead of letting outside events control your attitude, choose to control it yourself.

    Being annoyed is a waste of your life. Be peaceful, calm and powerful instead.

    -- Ralph Marston

    posted by Cath @ 1:28 PM   3 comments
    Tuesday, July 10, 2007
    God where did that week go?
    I think cause hubby was off it just sort of flew past. I blinked and missed it!
    We did lots of family stuff like going walking and swimming, going to the pictures and spending time at home too. Although i enjoy him being off i am glad when he goes back to work! The house was tidy the weekend before he was off and resembled something out of Tornado afterwards. Yesterday i managed to get some tidying and general stuff done like answering emails and typing letters etc. Today i have packed parcels whilst chatting to my friend online. Maria if you're reading i haven't forgotten about your parcel, it is being sorted first thing tomorrow i promise!!
    So like i said i spent this morning chatting to a friend, it was a really nice morning and i hope we can do it again soon! Corey has been doing various things, drawing, ripping paper and washing his cars in the garden. Managed to get some laundry and ironing done and also some more housework. Sometimes though don't you find that housework takes over your life when you should be enjoying yourself? You only life once is my philosophy at the minute and so i intend to enjoy myself.
    IACW is going well. I made this canvas with Corey at the weekend for Childrens Art Day and it now hangs on the wall in my kitchen.
    No sure i should be mentioning this at such an early stage but Dave is planning is next charity event which should take place in June next year. I'm not going to give details away but it involves his friend Adam and possibly a Pedalo. Here's a picture of them at Rother Valley Park on Sunday. This time they will be raising money for Bliss. Also on Sunday was Corey's friends birthday, Harry. It was a lovely afternoon if not a little noisy but what do you expect with 3 yr olds!
    I've been eyeing up the new Dolly beads over at A String of Beads but i can't really afford one at the minute :( I've got lots of greens/browns and now am starting my Pink/Aqua bracelet. Theres a stunner called Jameson but you can bet your life it will have gone before i get some cash for it!
    posted by Cath @ 3:33 PM   4 comments
    Tuesday, July 03, 2007
    Yes, today i am in pain lol!
    I started my Yoga again yesterday and did a good 30 minutes. Well i've used muscles i never knew i had! Hopefully after doing more this week it will get easier. I've been very good with regards to my food these last few days and can feel the benefits already. I am determined to drop at least a dress size before my holidays in September. Tomorrow we are going walking and so more good exercise. We're heading off early up some mountain or other and we're going to take a picnic, let's hope the weather stays reasonably ok!
    Today we took Corey to see Shrek 3. I knew what he would be like before we even got there and true to form he was exactly as i envisaged. He sat nicely through the adverts(lots of Car ones!) and trailers and as soon as the film started he messed about, constantly talked and at one point nearly fell asleep! I enjoyed it anyway but Dave said he was glad to get out cause he couldn't really concentrate with Corey messing.
    Didn't do very much this afternoon other than the mundane housework and cooking tea. Had a bit of a migraine all day and it's taken til now for it to go away completely.
    Will leave you with a couple of pictures. One of Corey from Friday when Dave decided to put his shirt on him and another of a layout i finished on Friday.
    Take care guys!

    posted by Cath @ 10:35 PM   2 comments
    Sunday, July 01, 2007
    The last week has been pretty busy. Lots of crafting has been done and my deadlines have been met. I've decorated the kitchen(which is quite big and needed 2 coats of paint) and also tidied the house from top to bottom. Dave is off work next week so i imagine we'll be having a few trips out. Tuesday we're going to York but not sure about the rest of the days. Thursday i'll be meeting with friends for our regular get together and Sunday Corey has a party to go to. Am hoping i get a bit of time to myself during the week as well, it's always good to be able to chill out!
    Today has been really interesting. I found something out that was both exciting yet scary. I can't really go into details about it but i am happy about it but also apprehensive. I've been thinking about it all day and have butterflies. I'm hoping that things move forward but i'm not really sure how, i have a lot of thinking to do!
    Tomorrow Corey is at nursery and so i have the morning free, not really sure what to do with myself.
    Hope all you bloggers are well!
    posted by Cath @ 10:43 PM   8 comments
    About Me

    Name: Cath
    Home: Sheffield, United Kingdom
    About Me: A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.
    See my complete profile
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