Just Me!

I am a wife, mother & keen photographer with an obsession for Scrap booking. My motto is live life to the max and don't regret too much! Thankyou for taking the time to visit my blog!

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    A new blog
    Monday, January 31, 2005
    Just to let all of you know (all being the very few people who actually read my blog), that i have a new blog dedicated to my scrapbook pages. You can find it here:

    A scraphazard
    posted by Cath @ 7:08 PM   0 comments
    Woke up this morning thinking it was the first of February and therefore my sister's birthday. Good job i didn't call to wish her Happy Birthday :D Anyway a pretty busy day all round. Sis came in the morning to collect her cards, i've given her money this year because she didn't have a clue what she wanted. She's going to put it towards a digital camera. Then the respiratory nurse came to check Corey's sats. She's been coming everyday apart from the weekend but he's been fine so can't see the point really. Anyway he saturated upto 98% so she was happy. She'll be dropping the equipment off tomorrow morning as we are having another trace to check he can stay in air. Then i've been tidying up and tiling in the kitchen, which i HATE but i have to finish it. My kitchen walls and tiles are a nice appley green colour and was thinking about adding a touch of lilac, what do you think?
    So this weekend i actually went out shopping on my own. It was a case of having too really because as well as it being my sister's birthday it's also my stepdaughters birthday the day after so had to get her some presents. We have already gotten her tickets to go see Queen which were £90 and we also bought her some perfume, Nike top and tracksuit bottoms and a Livestrong band. So although we said we weren't spending much, WE DID.
    From Meadowhall i got the tram and went to Hobbycraft where i spend £25 even though i only went in for some glue lol, then home and finished a scrapbook page i started Friday night.
    I started suffering bad with pains in my back too and think i may have a kidney infection. I've been in agony since Friday evening and have an appt at the doctors tomorrow.
    Sunday we were supposed to be going walking but i woke up with a huge headache again so Dave went on his own with Corey. In a way it was nice because it gave me some space. Didn't do the big dinner thing this week because i didn't feel upto it. Watched Twister last night, haven't seen that film for ages. And that was how boring my weekend was!
    posted by Cath @ 6:44 PM   0 comments
    Woohoo, Woohoo, Woohoo!!!
    Friday, January 28, 2005
    Well the last couple of days have been stressful to say the least and i have been plagued with headaches because of it.
    Tuesday night Corey had a trace to determine if he was ready to lose the oxygen or not. I thought he seemed to do pretty well but you can never really tell unless you keep your eye on the monitor 24/7. Anyway the equipment was picked up on Weds morning and then it was a very anxious wait again for the results. Dad and sis came and Corey playedand had a generally good time which he always does when we have company. He loves to play with the house phone so i always turn it off so he doesn't dial 999 and we have the police round :) Anyway, after they went at lunchtime i turned on the phone to find that the nurse had rung and left a message to ring her. Argggggggggg i had missed the call!!! So i rang her straight away. She said i could take his cannulas off because he could come off his oxygen, he had averaged 96% in air and it was as steady as a rock. YAY YAY YAY!!!!! I was sooo very happy, it had happened at last! Of course we aren't out of the woods yet, he is still being monitored daily and will have another trace on Tues night. When she came round yesterday to spot check him he was around 96%-97% so still very good. She said it was encouraging because babies who tend to need to go back on the O2 have started to drop there sats by this point so i was very happy. She is coming back at lunchtime today to do another spotcheck.
    It was RSV clinic yesterday. Moira the research nurse came on Weds evening to weigh him which speeds things up when we get to ckinic as they can pre-prepare the vaccine. Worryingly Corey has lost weight, he is now 20lb 6oz and a month ago was 21lb 1oz. No-one seemed too bothered but it was something else to stress me out. So yesterday morning i got in touch with the dieticians to organise an appointment which i should have done ages ago but not having a problem with his weight i didn't think it was necessary. I have also increased his food.
    So the RSV clinic appoinment was very quick. We saw the doctor very briefly and he didn't feel it necessary to examine him as he was doing so well. So we just had the two shots in the legs, lots of screaming and crying and then went home. Corey was a very grumpy boy in the afternoon and i just hope it was because of the shots and nothing else.
    posted by Cath @ 7:54 AM   2 comments
    1 yr ago
    Tuesday, January 25, 2005
    It just goes to show you what a difference a year makes. this very day a year ago Corey finally made it off the ventilator after 10 wks. It was such a joyous but nerve racking experience i can remember it as if it were yesterday. So today brought back a few memories.
    Dave and i have now finally decided that we would like another baby. After much talking it seems that Dave would really love another baby. He is just so worried that things will go the same way. I've been referred to my Obstetrician so they can go through the risks and everything. Dave doesn't want to start trying until after we have been on holiday in September so we'll just see how things pan out now, just play it by ear.
    Corey is currently having another trace. He is in air at the moment at is saturating at 98%! They want him to average 95% and above so hopefully this time tomorrow we could be O2 free, fingers crossed!!!!!
    Had a nice suprise last night. Dave had organised Laura to babysit and he took me out for dinner. It was the end to a great long weekend as he had had Sat, Sun, Mon off. In fact it's one of the nicest weekends i've had for a long time.
    posted by Cath @ 11:08 PM   1 comments
    Good weekend
    Monday, January 24, 2005
    Have had a really good weekend! Really enjoyed it. Saturday Dave took Simon to the pictures to see Team America. Don't know why as it looked a load of rubbish to me but they said it was very funny. When he came back we got ready and went into town to have a look round the shops. Dave got a chance to get a huge sandwich from Subway, it's the only time he gets chance because the nearest one to us is in the city centre. He enjoyed it anyway! We called at Mothercare to see if they had and carriers for Corey. We want to start walking more and so we need something to take Corey in other than his pram. ANyway we found a really good one so we are going to try it out tomorrow.
    Sunday we went to a place called Burbage Brook in the Peak District. It's a long time since i have been walking because i just don't feel motivated to go out of the house these days but i really enjoyed myself. We were walking for a good 2 hrs and the place was lovely, although very muddy! Corey seemt to enjoy it in his new carrier too and even fell asleep in there. Have attached some pictures of where we went.

    Dave is off today so he's just taken Corey out for a walk and i'm gonna do some scrapping! He stayed up til 3am this morning watching American Football as he's a huge fan. I predicted a Steelers V's Eagles final but got one half wrong. Would like the Eagles to win what with the Patriots winning last yr.
    posted by Cath @ 11:44 AM   1 comments
    Friday, January 21, 2005
    08.40am for Corey this morning, what a good boy. Didn't do much today other than the normal tidying up. Got my grandmothers birth certificate in the post today so i have been able to trace another generation in Dad's family. I am an addictive geneologist at the moment as well as manic scrapbooker!!
    Had an appointment at the doctors this afternoon to discuss why i keep getting these really bad headaches. She checked my eyes and my blood pressure which was on the high side of normal but nevertheless normal. She seems to think that it's stress that is causing my headaches and suggested i cut out caffiene. i usually drink decaf coffee anyway. She has given me some super strong tablets to take if i get another but has warned me just to take one initially as they may send me a little wappy!
    So was going to scrap tonight but i dont seem to have much energy. might go to bed early for a change.
    posted by Cath @ 9:00 PM   0 comments
    Thursday, January 20, 2005
    Corey didn't get up until after 8am again this morning. Maybe he's going through a bit of a growth spurt because he hasn't slept this well in ages. It was good to sleep later because i din't go to bed til after 1.30am. The wind here in Yorkshire is terrible at the moment. Hurricane force winds are battering us right now and as my bedroom is in the loft the wind really batters it so i have been sleeping on the sofa. DH isn't happy but at least i get some sleep this way.
    Stayed up last night to finish a layout i was doing for a challenge on the scrapping forum i belong too, quite pleased with it too as it's the first time i've stitched on a layout.
    Dad and sis came this morning. Dad had found some old pictures and birthday/christening/birth cards that belonged to me and my late brother. For those of you who don't know i had a brother, Andrew Alan who died of cot death at 2 months old before i was born. Although i never knew him i am sorrowful for my parents and sister who did. Anyway i looked through the cards and was fine and at the very bottom of the bag was a white box. Inside was a padded card that said on the front 'On your 1st birthday Daughter'. It had been hand written by my mother(who passed away 12 yrs ago). It read 'To our darling daughter Catherine. With all our love and kisses on your very first birthday and wishing you all the joy and happiness you've given us during your first year. God bless you darling, from Mummy & Daddy'. I burst into tears, i was so overcome. It's the first time i have ever seen that card and at that very moment i missed my mum so much it hurt. Sis and Dad didn't know what to do. They never really see me cry and so it upset them too and they didn't say anything. I'm ok now, just in a contemplating mood.
    This evening Dave and i disgusted babies again. he is warming to the idea but wants to find out all the facts before we do anything so when i go to the doctors tomorrow i am going to ask for a referral to my Obstetrician. After speaking to her secretary it seems they offer 'Pre-Pregnancy councelling' for people in our position.
    posted by Cath @ 10:33 PM   1 comments
    Wednesday, January 19, 2005
    Haven't really done that much today. Corey has been very good over the last few days and hasn't gotten up until after 8am, giving Mummy a well earned lie in bed. Just as well because i haven't been going to bed until after midnight recently.
    Hubby is suffering at the moment, he has a terrible sore throat and is losing his voice. Not particularly very good for someone who trains people so not sure what he'll do if it goes altogether.
    Managed to finish off a layout i started last night. I was getting very frustrated as i couldn't find the inspiration to finish it but managed in the end.
    Corey has been a little grumpy this afternoon. We had an O2 free morning and then put his cannulas back on this afternoon. Some lovely clothes arrived for him this morning along with some scrapbook supplies i had ordered. He looked so cute in the bright red dungerees i had bought him!
    posted by Cath @ 8:56 PM   0 comments
    I'm here!
    Monday, January 17, 2005
    Well, where do I start. It’s been so long since I updated. I guess I’ve just been busy with other things. I’m going to make a conscious effort to make sure I update often now, if not for my sake then for Corey’s.
    Corey has been coming on in leaps and bounds. His vocal skills are very much improved. He is at last babbling away and saying mama’s and dada’s which is great. He hasn’t associated them with us yet so they are purely accidental but they sound great. His eating is also ok. I say ok because in normal toddler terms it is crap but in our world it is good. He’ll have ¼ of a jar of baby food and 30mls of mil from a sippy cup. The ST is coming tomorrow so we will see what she says. Hubby and I have decided we are not going to have the G-tube fitted. Corey seems to do fine with the NG tube and until the time it starts to bother him we will stay as we are. We have yet to tell his consultant so we shall see what he says about it. No doubt he will try to sway us but we are sticking with our decision.
    We had a wonderful Christmas. I think Dave was the biggest baby! He go up at 7am Christmas morning and wanted to wake Corey up but I said definitely not. Anyway Corey got up about 8am and we all opened our presents. We all got some lovely things. I got perfume, a new dressing gown, scrapping stuff, dvds, and a book. Dave got dvds, book and lots of American football stuff. Corey got toys, toys and more toys including a car for him to sit in. Christmas day was a quite affair. Just me Dave and Corey for dinner and then Dave went to pick up the kids and they came and opened there presents. They went home late evening. Boxing day my Dad came up for his dinner and we had a nice day. It was nice having Dave at home for 2 wks as well.
    Coreys has had his 3rd lot of RSV shots inbetween Christmas and New year. The doctor tried to get blood from him but for the second time had no luck. At his appointment he weighed in at 21lb 1oz.
    Have had a couple of traces and have gone down to 0.1% oxygen. Tried Corey in air last week and although he did well averaging 94.6% they want him to be above 95% so will have to wait a little bit longer, hopefully next week. We have started taking him off it for parts of the day and he does really well.
    Dave and I have been arguing again about babies. There isn’t much point in me broaching the subject again as he is quite adamant that we aren’t going to have another one. I can’t just leave it though so I will be bringing the subject up again.
    Have been suffering quite bad with headaches for the past couple of months and have an appointment at the doctors this Friday to get checked out so we’ll see what the doctor has to say.
    Unfortunately my new yrs resolution has fallen on it’s head already. I wanted to try to lose weight, not by dieting but just by eating healthier but the temptation of goodies is just too much. It’s shopping week again next week so am really going to try.
    Have been doing lots of scrapping and at some point may start a scrapping blog, what do you think??
    Have started to get into geneology as well right now and am tracing my mum and dads family tree. Have had lots of problems though because my mum was adopted and it’s been difficult but I am getting there slowly. Have found one of my aunties and her daughters so am going to be meeting up with them soon.
    Well think that’s it for now.

    posted by Cath @ 6:33 PM   3 comments
    About Me

    Name: Cath
    Home: Sheffield, United Kingdom
    About Me: A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.
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