I am a wife, mother & keen photographer with an obsession for Scrap booking. My motto is live life to the max and don't regret too much!
Thankyou for taking the time to visit my blog!
Yesterday my friend Dawn and I went to see another friend Anam. Some of you know Anam from the forums she resides and and know how lovely she is, she is no different in real life. What you see is what you get, i hope you don't mind me saying that but it's true. She is off to start a new life with her beautiful family in Canada and apart from being very envious i am also extremely happy for her. She deserves lots of happiness in her life and i'm sure they will all find it there! We also managed a little trip to Hobby Horse Crafts in elvaston on the way there. A veritable treasure trove of goodies, but it was very difficult to look around as Corey was with us and into everything! Rachel who was in the shop was brilliant with him and tried to keep him occupied but it was like he was in a sweet shop and wanted everything! He takes after his Mummy cause she wanted everything too but just succumbed to a few goodies!. Today i've been waiting in for deliveries. My sideboard and TV unit came from MFI and are going straight back as the quality of them is awful. They are basically chipboard and at the price i have paid for them i don't think it's acceptable. Nowhere on there website did it say this and it also failed to say they came flatpacked! So we are off hunting for furniture this weekend much to DH's distaste lol! I got my sunshine limited edition box from the states and it's very lush, can't wait to use it. My other order with my QK tote and binder etc.. has failed to show yet again and after a couple of emails i think it's coming tomorrow, well it better be put it that way!
I HATE waiting for orders! With a passion. If i know they've been dispatched and should be here by a certain date and then done't arrive then i get fidgity! I have a order from the US that was shipped on the 17th and still hasn't arrived. After mailing them they said stuff was taking up to 2 wks. However, a friend of mine ordered the exact same thing from the same store on the 20th and it arrived this morning. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH. Then i ordered from a UK store last week. turnaround apparently 1-3 days. Nothing as of Monday so i mailed them and they said it would be posted out that day. Nothing yesterday and then last night i get an email saying that some of the stuff isn't in stock and i'll get my order at the end of this week/beginning of next. WTF?? Is there no communication between people these days?? An order i placed Saturday was shipped yesterday and so if that doesn't come today then i may just shoot myself!!! On another note, would someone like to tell me why my son pukes religiously every Wednesday morning? Is it because he is excited about nursery? It's usually on the way to nursery but this morning he decided he couldn't wait and puked on the living room carpet. Nice huh!?!?!?
These are the two layouts i did at the weekend. One is a cybercrop class by the gorgeous Anso(the Family one) and the other is one i have done for Kirsty's Worldwide 'Scrap yourself' challenge :)
Today we have had great fun. We've been out in the garden for the most part as it's been lovely weather. I decided it was time to clean the patio furniture as it's been out all winter and looking decidedly grey. So with bowl of hot soapy water and scrubbing brush i set to work. Corey was chasing spiders and other creepy crawlies across the decking and enjoying all the water that was about, in fact he loved helping Mummy. Hands were everywhere and he was soaked but was having a great time and it's such a joy to see that big smile! A few times while i wasn't looking he tipped the bowl of soapy water out only narrowly missing his feet. Dh and I are off to the pictures later so hopefully that will round off a perfect day :)
Does anyone else do this? When something happens that i don't particularly want to talk about i avoid blogger. Now i know i could just not write about it but that defeats the whole purpose for me. This is my diary and i need to write it down. Well things having been the best around here for the last few days. It started on Friday when we got a phone call from the Speech Therapist. We haven't seen her for a while because of one thing or another so a long conversation ensued. We talked about how Corey was doing, his speech, feeding and in general. Then she dropped the bombshell, she thinks Corey has Dyspraxia. Ironically it was something someone had mentioned to me that very same day but i hadn't taken any notice of it and certainly didn't know what it was. Anyway, after i put the phone down i searched the internet and found lots of info, info that i didn't particularly want to see. My head was reeling and i got myself into a bit of a state. I know Corey isn't perfect but i certainly didn't want him to be 'labelled' with something. DH thought i was overreacting and an argument started which continued into Saturday. So now as well as being told my son potentially has this impairment i am also not talking to DH, great stuff. I cry and cry and cry all night and eventually decide to email Corey's consultant. I've done this a few times in the past year and he doesn't mind. Anyway, he got back to me late evening and put my mind at rest a little. He said, and i quote -
Labels like dyspraxia are used to make life more manageable for health professionals, and are a very broad envelope, ranging from trivial clumsiness to more significant learning difficulties. It is going to be pretty speculative at Corey’s age anyway.... let’s look at him rather than any labels being tossed around!
So after a decent nights sleep on Friday i woke up somewhat groggy on Saturday and proceeded to have a crappy day. Things going over in my head and also not talking to hubby. It was the UKS cybercrop and i managed to get one layout done. Usually at these things i would have done half a dozen. Anyway yesterday was better. We made up and headed out to the shopping centre. Got Simon(my stepson) a few presents as it's his birthday in a few weeks and i want to be on the ball!. Then we headed for lunch at TGI Fridays which was nice but there wasn't enough lol! I had steak and although it was yummy i could have done with it being double the size! Maybe i'm just greedy! Last night we stayed in and cuddled up to watch The Office, the US version. We have only watched the first episode so far as we weren't too impressed with it. Hopefully it'll get better. We ended up watching Phoneix nights instead. Today i have been so busy. Reorganising the house, changing furniture around, ironing, laundry, shops for storage boxes. I was just in one of those 'do everything' moods!
So yesterday was an interesting day. Lots of time catching up with stuff in the morning and then shopping in the afternoon plus post office visits. Typical day in our household really, pretty boring to be exact. So after our supermarket visit we play in the garden for a while and Corey now goes in and out the back door at leisure, much to our distaste. Why you ask? Well, since we had the extention done and the decking out the back the step down from the back door to the decking is about 1 1.2 ft and corey has to climb down and crawl up. Nothing wrong with that? Well no but yesterday as he was on his way out of the kitchen he tripped over the mat(and i saw all of this in slow motion), sprang forward head first out of the door and landed on his head on the decking which was a proceeded by a forward roll. To be honest, apart from a little graze on his forward he was unscathed and he only cried because it shocked him, not because he was hurt. So i'm thinking 1, we HAVE HAVE HAVE to get the steps done even though in the grand scheme of things it would have made no difference to the fall and 2, i am entering Corey into the 2020 Olympic Games! Today has been somewhat less eventful. Corey has been to nursery this morning. Now, i don't know if this is an excitement issue but he has a nasty habit of throwing up his breakfast on the way to nursery. This morning he was sick 3 times on the way there. I may as well have just walked half way to nursery with his breakfast in my hand and just thrown it into someones garden for all the use it was. Anyway on a positive note when i collected him they said he had eaten breakfast and lunch so that was a result. While he was at nursery i popped into town and bought a few things, magazines, a new duvet and pillowcases, toiletries and food. Came back and did all the usual household stuff before collecting him and then this afternoon had to have another trip to the post Office. I've been selling some scrapbook stuff to cover the cost of the QK alphabets i've been buying (3 in the last 2 days!) and i've also just ordered another QK zipa round binder, the QK tote and the Quickstik. Yes i am very, very naughty aren't i!!!
Well i don't seem to have done anything this Easter. It's passed by virtually unnoticed. Friday night DH and i went to the cinema to see Failure to Launch. I really enjoyed it. One of those typically feel good movies. I love going to the flicks. I love the whole popcorn and fizzy drink thing.
Saturday was spent doing housework and spending some time with DH and Corey. Yesterday DH looked after Corey and i got to do some scrapbooking. Have hit the dreaded scrappers block again and the LO i did i am not happy with. Last night DH and I snuggled up and watched Independance Day. Haven't seen it for an age and i really enjoyed it. To be honest i can't remember half of what we've done this weekend. My mind is a total blank of late! Today Corey woke up in the grumpiest mood ever but i soon realised it was no mood. A temperature, constant gagging and falling asleep at 930am soon made me realise that he isn't well, again. I dosed him with Calpol and he seemt better early afternoon but soon deteriorated again. He was asleep before his head hit the pillow at 7pm. Hope fully he'll feel better tomorrow or it'll be another very long day!
Couple of pics from Thursday. We baked cakes in the afternoon, which have all been eaten now. The Corey decided he was bushed and went and laid on the sofa. Doesn't get any more chilled out than this does it?
Do you have: (1) your own cell phone - (2 ) a television in your bedroom (3) an iPod (4) a photo printer ( ) your own phone line (5) TiVo or a generic digital video recorder (6) high-speed internet access (i.e., not dialup) ( ) a surround sound system in bedroom (7 ) DVD player in bedroom (8) at least a hundred DVDs ( ) a childfree bathroom (9) your own in-house office (it’s a bedroom, but we need an office more!) ( ) a pool ( ) a guest house ( ) a game room ( ) a queen-size bed or larger ( ) a stocked bar ( ) a working dishwasher ( ) an icemaker (10) a working washer and dryer ( ) more than 20 pairs of shoes (11) at least ten things from a designer store ( ) expensive sunglasses ( ) framed original art (not lithographs or prints) ( ) Egyptian cotton sheets or towels (12) a multi-speed bike ( ) a gym membership (13) large exercise equipment at home ( ) your own set of golf clubs ( ) a pool table ( ) a tennis court ( ) local access to a lake, large pond, or the sea ( ) your own pair of skis (14) enough camping gear for a weekend trip in an isolated area ( ) a boat ( ) a jet ski ( ) a neighborhood committee membership ( ) a beach house or a vacation house/cabin (15) wealthy family members ( ) two or more family cars - two. Both minis ( ) a walk-in closet or pantry (16) a yard ( ) a hammock ( ) a personal trainer (17) good credit ( ) expensive jewelry ( ) a designer bag that required being on a waiting list to get ( ) at least $100 cash in your possession right now (18) more than two credit cards bearing your name (not counting gas cards or debit cards) ( ) a stock portfolio (19) a passport ( ) a horse ( ) a trust fund (either for you or created by you) ( ) private medical insurance ( ) a college degree, and no outstanding student loans
Do you: (20) shop for non-needed items for yourself (like clothes, jewelry, electronics) at least once a week ( ) do your regular grocery shopping at high-end or specialty stores ( ) pay someone else to clean your house, do dishes, or launder your clothes (not counting dry-cleaning) (21) go on weekend mini-vacations - We don’t go on long holidays as I get bored ( ) send dinners back with every flaw (22) wear perfume or cologne (not body spray) ( ) regularly get your hair styled or nails done in a salon ( ) have a job but don’t need the money OR (23) stay at home with little financial sacrifice ( ) pay someone else to cook your meals ( ) pay someone else to watch your children or walk your dogs () regularly pay someone else to drive you taxis ( ) expect a gift after you fight with your partner
Are you: ( ) an only child ( ) married/partnered to a wealthy person ( ) baffled/surprised when you don’t get your way
Have you: ( ) been on a cruise (24) traveled out of the country (25) met a celebrity ( ) been to the Caribbean (26) been to Europe ( ) been to Hawaii ( ) been to New York ( ) eaten at the space needle in Seattle ( ) been to the Mall of America (27) been on the Eiffel tower in Paris ( ) been on the Statue of Liberty in New York ( ) moved more than three times because you wanted to ( ) dined with local political figures (28) been to both the Atlantic coast and the Pacific coast
Did you: (29) go to another country for your honeymoon (30) hire a professional photographer for your wedding or party ( ) take riding or swimming lessons as a child ( ) attend private school ( ) have a Sweet 16 birthday party thrown for you
So i guess i'm not spolit, even though i act like it sometimes!
So yesterday was Corey appointment to see his Respiratory Consultant at the hospital. He's gone to only seing him every few months now as he's been doing so well. As well as checking his chesty and everything he is involved in all his care so looks how he's doing developmentally, socially and all that. So we get there and they had sent us to the wrong clinic so took us a while to find where we were supposed to be. The waiting room was packed but it seems there was more than one clinic running and we didn't wait too long. Corey was happily playing away anyway with the toys(especially the cars) they had on offer. So we were called by a nurse for weighing and measuring. Now since Corey has been able to express himself he has expressed a distaste for being weighed and measured. Don't know why because in the grand scheme of things this is hardly painful. Anyway he wasn't too bad standing on the scales but when she tried to stand him up and pulled the measuring thing to the top of his head he freaked and we had to go to another room for him to be laid down and measured that way. He still freaked out but at least we managed to get it done. So he has hardly put much weight on in the last coupld of months put has grown in length. he is now 25lb 8oz and 87.5cms tall. Then we went to see the doctor. Poor man, as soon as Corey set eyes on him the tears started. Anyway he settled down with some play in the room and the tears only came again when he listened to his chest but at least he didn't puke this time! All in all he is VERY happy with Corey's progression. He chest is clear and has been for over 2 yrs now(can you believe that!) He was amazed that Corey knew all his colours and shapes and said that at just over 2 yrs corrected that it was impressive. He also asked Corey to do some things(which he did) and said he was also impressed that he could do 6 and 7 word commands. He wasn't too concerned about the speach and just said to wait and let it come, which it will. He said not to even bother with the Flu jab this yr, he doesn't think he needs it. We asked about his funny looking legs and he said they were fine, just a it knock knee-d and we also asked about the funny looking lump he has on his foot. It resembles a verucca and has actually bled on occasion but he said it's from the blood pricks they do and it heals with scar tissue inside. If it caused a problem as he gets older then he could always have it removed. Anyway, we came away very happy and he only wants to see him every 6 months now :) A happy mummy!
Monday we went off to Scarborough for the day. We'd looked at the weather forecast the day before and it looked to be one of the better days so we got up early, fed Corey and set of at 8am. We were there for 10 o clock and although it was breezy the sun was shining and we had a great day. Looked round the shops, went on the beach for a walk, Corey kept trying to run into the sea so we had to keep running after him! Had our lunch there and Corey especially like the chocolate twist ice cream he had. He never used to like them cause they were too cold for him but he's really getting into them now. We didn't get home until fairly late so not much happening Monday evening. Yesteday was just a chilled out day with dave goingn off to play Badminton in the morning and then me doing some computing and tidying up in the afternoon, pretty boring day really. Corey has gone off to nursery this morning and i'm going to get some housework done while DH is in the garden. Have a good day!
I've had a lovely weekend. Yesterday i went to the crop and managed to nearly finish a layout off. I was slightly disappointed that i had to leave early as DH wanted to go to the football but nevermind. Only problem is that the next one isn't for 6 weeks :( Came home and looked after Mr Coreymeister while Dave went to the footy. He was actually a good boy unlike most of the time these days when he is up to mischeif! Today has just been chilled out. Have done a bit of scrapping as it's a Cybercop on a forum i'm a member of. Plus i went back to bed for an hour around lunchtime as i was whacked out after getting up with Corey at 630am. Other than that there's nothing much more to report i don't think.
After you read this, you’re going to want to pass it along to your friends. No, this isn’t some kind of cosmic chain e-mail that promises you good fortune when you share it with a required number of people. But, you will probably want to send this along to your cronies. And, you probably will receive some good fortune. So forget everything I said before. Maybe this is indeed a chain email meant to bring fortuity to you and yours.
Here’s the skinny. Making Memories® has some big news, maybe even huge news. (have you heard?) You can now shop at makingmemories.com for all Making Memories® product! Access the complete, categorized list by visiting www.makingmemories.com and shop your way to creative bliss. Whether you need to stock-up on some crafting basics or want to check out the latest and greatest new lines, kits and collections, this is the place.
Simply place your secure order online, and it will be shipped right to you!
As added good fortune, we’ll be sending out ‘door prizes’ to every 25th customer who places an order from our online shop until the end of April! That's a whole month of goodies that could come to you.
Now, let your kismet start flowing. Forward the news on to your friends, and check it out for yourself. The more friends that shop, the more chances to win - so hurry, the month has already started!
I am so looking forward to the weekend! Not only is it the crop on Saturday but it's also the Cybercrop on a forum i'm a member of so may have to dabble there for a while :) Also DH breaks up from work for a week so we'll be doing lots of stuff likegoing to the seaside and i'll be able to lounge in bed a little. Had some bad news today, my sister was burgled today. They took one item, her laptop and she is devastated because she will be lost without it. There are some cruel people around aren't there! Have decided to upload the layout i did the other night as i am not entering the other DT now. Hope you like it! That new Crate paper is to die for!
I am in pain today. It's 'that time of the month' and i am bloated and feel like a hippo! I'm dosed up with painkillers and am going to lie down with DH in a minute and snuggle up and watch some telly. he's been working nights Mon & Tues so although i've had some free time to do stuff i have missed him. Corey has been to nursery this morning and i got tons done. Managed to finish a layout i started last night. I'm going to use it for a design team comp so am not going to upload it just yet. Also did loads of hoovering, tidying up, laundry and ironing too. DH finished work early so was home at 1pm just as i picked Corey up from nursery. Imagine my suprise when i collected him and they told me he had eaten seconds at nursery today and had pudding too. WTG my little man! The picture to the left is what Corey made at nursery today :) Bless him!
I can't believe it's nearly Tuesday! It's been a weird few days, i don't really know where to begin. Firstly Corey! he is being a big pain in the bum! The 2 yr traits have finally kicked in and he is trying both our patience. He is being mischieveous, naughty and a down right handful. I used to be able to leave him whilst i got n with stuff but no more. He loves throwing my drinks on the floor, getting chalk and crayon on everything and just generally being naughty. We have to have eyes in the back of our heads at the moment. On a good front he has taken too his bed brilliantly. He hasn;t got out yet when he shouldn't have and stays there until one of us gets up in the morning which is fantastic. He sure does let us know he's awake though and i really wish he would stay in bed til at least 7am! So Saturday i went to Birmingham for the day to Hobbycrafts. Bought lots of lovely stash including- Lucy Classic QuicKutz alphabet New Pebbles inc shimmer chalks BG Chipboard Monograms BG chipboard hardware Heidi Swapp tape Lots of magazines New Blonde Moments range Queen and Co stuff DST Plus lots of American Crafts paper
Am hoding the receipts from DH as he may want to kill me. To be fair though i have sold a few things on Ebay to recoup some of the cash i've spent :D Sunday we didn't do anything as Dave was working and so i had Corey all day. So it was spent running around after Corey and tidying up/laundry etc.. Today saw me wake with a headache. Luckily DH was at home as he is working a couple of night shifts and so he let me stay in bed. I still didn't feel any better around lunchtime so he told me to go back to bed. I didn't need asking twice and so had another 2 hrs sleep and felt better when i woke up. Tonight has been spent finishing up some stuff for A Trip Down Memory Lane and also finishing a CJ i didn't get chance to finish this morning with feeling ill.
Also on a fab note i made a design team!! Not really sure what will be happening with it yet but i'm really excited. It's for an American store called Scrapbook Supply Store and they are in the process of revamping everything so some exciting stuff will be happening which hopefully i'll be a part off. I am so happy!!
Name: Cath Home: Sheffield, United Kingdom About Me: A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for. See my complete profile