I am a wife, mother & keen photographer with an obsession for Scrap booking. My motto is live life to the max and don't regret too much!
Thankyou for taking the time to visit my blog!
We have been to the doctors today to get him checked out. Everything is fine and it's just a cold and upper respiratory infection, no chest infection so thats something. Still very down in the dumps, snotty and coughing so lots of loving in order. Forgot to post pics of his new 'do'. I cut it yesterday!
Well my little man is still feeling poorly. He did have a relatively good nights sleep although he was up at 6am. DH was working today but not going while 7am so he got up with him and let me have the extra hour in bed. So i feel that tomorrow we shall be visiting the doctors as he does seem to be getting worse. He has a streaming nose, is now losing his voice, a terrible cough and the occasional high temp. He is just feeling pretty miserable really and has napped twice today. I worry in case it's gone to his chest you see as thats the worst that can happen, also i'm sure he'd be fine. Haven't done much today as DH has been at work. So it's been cleaning, cooking and looking after the main man. I couldn't be bothered with the whole Sunday lunch so i made a Lasagne and we had that with roast potatoes, it was yummy! The layout you see is pictures of Corey with a huge bump that he did last month. I'm a bad mummy for taking pics aren't i LOL!
Well i have a very poorly boy on my hands today. Corey had us up quite a few times in the night and vomited twice. He had a temp of 38.2 so we gave him Calpol and he eventually went to sleep but had us up at11pm, 1am and 4am before getting up at 630am. He wasn't too bad uptil dinner time but then he felt very sorry for himself and threw up the dinner Dave had just given him. His temp is also up again. He is coughing and has a very runny nose. So it's either a really bad cold or the flu :( I have given him some more Calpol and he is asleep at the moment. It's funny because this is the first time since he came out of hospital that he has been really ill. That was bearly 2 yrs ago and apart from a couple of minor colds he has NEVER been sick. Unbelievable considering he was on antibiotics for the first 3 months of his life constantly! It's just so heartbreaking to see him being so ill! Get better soon my little angel!!
So today has been pretty boring, my life is a bit boring actually. Corey actually gave me 10 mins to finish a layout this morning. I would have finished it last night but i was just too tired. Didn't have a particularly good nights sleep AGAIN and Corey was awake at 630am! He is streaming snot today(sorry TMI!) so i fear he has a cold. His feeding has been poop too but he has drunk alot making me think he has a sore throat :( We've all been to the dentist this afternoon and everything is peechy. I had a couple of routine xrays as i haven't had any for a while but everything is great, DH had a polish as well but i didn't need one. Corey wouldn't open his mouth so the dentist only got to see the front ones but i told him they are fine. I brush them twice a day and he has no cavities. He has 18 teeth and i think he is ready for the last 2 top molars as he is dribbling for England at the moment which he had stopped doing a few months ago. Today i got my Homegrown 3 bugs in a rug kit and also my Croppin Paradise order, both are totally lush!!!
I feel so tired. I don't sleep well at all these days and to be honest i find myself most nights laid awake on the sofa only to wake up early in the morning to the sound of Corey upstairs ready to get up. It isn't doing me any good nor my moods so i must learn to try an sleep in my bed again. I think my minds too active from either being on the net or watching TV but it's what i enjoy. Corey is also having an erratic sleep pattern. It's never before 8pm when he goes to sleep these days even though he goes to bed at 7pm. He often wakes in the night too although he usually goes straight back to sleep. Also his afternoon nap has gone back to 45 mins from a couple of hours. Hopefully this is all because he's getting his last 2 teeth but we shall see.
So you would not believe how much i got done this morning whilst Corey was at Nursery. I cleaned every room and vacuumed the living room, stairs, bathroom, craft room, Corey's room and landing. Also sorted out laundry, put clothes away plus loads of other stuff. I also sat and watched TV for an hour and could up on forums and emails. I dropped Corey off at 0810am after getting up late. I set the alarm for 0640am but it didn't go off and i woke at 0710am but we made it. I gave Corey breakfast and then we headed out. It's only at the end of the road so Corey walked. He proceeded to vomit his breakfast up on the way to nursery and i think it was due to excitement. We arrived at nursery and encountered a very noisy room full of 2 & 3 yr olds and immediately thought the noise would freak him out but he was fine. He seemt a little apprehensive but he eventually edged his way into the room. I left and was really nervous, checking the phone every few mins. Anyway, i didn't hear anything and at 1250pm headed off to pick him up. He was happily running around when i got there and would have been very pleased if i'd left him there i think. They said he had been fine, no problems at all. He had had a few coco pops at breakfast( a definate first for Corey) and had also eaten a sufficient amount at lunchtime(sausage casserole and rice) although he didn't eat any of the pudding so i gave him some when we got home. She said the main problem they had a lunchtime was getting him to stay still. Honestly i had tears in my eyes when i collected him, i am so proud of my big guy!!!
You know all these perfect pictures you see in magazines, well we all know they're a con right? Well heres the proof! Click on portfolio, then before and after. Click on the pictures and click before, it's frightening what they can do!
Do you ever feel like you just wanna run away??? Or is it just me? I seem to be having the most awful time at the moment and i'm not really sure why. Firstly, without going into details, DH and i are not getting on right now so i have been keeping myself busy at night scrapping and such like which has again caused arguments and i am now completely fed up with it all. Corey is being a pain with his sensory issues and whilst i know he can't help it it really stresses me out big time. For instance, not 10 minutes ago he set one of his toy tractors off which frightened him and so the screaming started which in turn led to him projectile vomiting 4 times all over the kitchen floor. As i was preparing a meal at the time it wasn't really ideal. So i'm afraid i left DH to deal with the mess! Sometimes(and you may think this cruel) i wish i weren't a parent!
Apart from all this, nothing is really happening right now. Corey goes to nursery tomorrow 8am til 1pm so i am both excited but apprehensive at the same time. I'm sure the break will do us both good. On a scrapping front i did manage to finish a CJ i needed to finish and also finished a layout i started at the crop on Saturday. There's a couple of design team comps going on at the moment and i may enter them but am not sure at the moment if i have the time. Still waiting for a zillion orders to come and no doubt they'll all come while i'm out! Have also listed a load of stuff on Ebay to see if i can get a bit of spare stash, feel free to have a look! Ebay Listings
Well i've just had a very lucky escape! I always have my cup of coffee on my desk, bad idea! For the first time ever i have just knocked it over and it went everywhere, including in my keyboard. It seems to have dried out and appears to be working ok at the moment but we'll see what it's like tomorrow. Luckily i didn't have any work around or it would have been ruined.
Today i've been to the Scrapaholic crop. Had a fab time as usual and a productive one too nearly finishing two layouts! Dawn my friend left the crop early to go to the local football match. It was the big derby, Sheffield Wednesday Vs Sheffield United. Dawn and I are both Wednesday fans. My hubby is a big United fan and unfortunetly they beat us :( Have to admit though that at the moment they are very much the better team.
Nothings really happened today so there isn't much for me to blog about. Visitors this morning and washin/tidying up. Corey has been ok apart from his projectile vomit this afternoon. He went for a nap and got up in his usual grumpy mood and proceeded to whine and whine until he made himself sick! On the subject of his naps they have really changed recently. For one, he no longer naps mid morning like he used too but prefers to nap after lunch, so usually around 2pm. He used to nap for around 30-40 mins but now sleeps between 1 1/2 - 2hrs. What a strange guy, maybe he's growing! He's been really good with his drawing skills recentlyl. He can draw circles(well in a fashion anyway) when you ask him too and this evening when Dad asked him where to put the wheels on the car he knew exactly where they went.
Click on the website and enter the code JSP22 into the promo box on the left hand side of the screen. Enter your details and then wait. It doesn't give the option for UK residents but i got a free one last time so just stick UK in there somewhere and hope it's ok. You do wait a while but hey, it's free!!
Free Justrite Sample Pack Includes 1-Pre-Inked Letter 1-Clear Letter 1-Small Pre-Inked Word 1-Medium Pre-inked Word 1-Large Pre-Inked Word
Not a huge amount happened yesterday, that's why i didn't blog. The only interesting thing was Pamela(a researcher for the University of Sheffield) came to interview me again. I have been helping her with some research she is doing about the care special needs children get when they leave hospital into the community. It's actually very interesting and i've enjoyed it immensely. We've been meeting up every few months for over a yr now but the study is due to come to an end. I was happy to here from her yesterday that they have been commissioned to do a book which is great and also there will be a big conference held in Newcastle in May which brings all the researchers together. She has asked me if i will speak at this conference. Of course i would love to so we just need to see if DH can get the day off work on that day. Today we have been to nursery again but only for an hour. I actually physically left him there this time and it was very weird. I had to stop myself from checking my phone every minute. I just nipped to the post office and shops while he was there and i soon realised that going shopping without the pram is actually hard work because i had to carry the shopping lol! Anyway, an hour later i returned and he was playing with cars and as happy as a pig in muck! She said he had been fine, no trouble at all, so hopefully he will settle in nicely. It's really suprising for me because he really has had very limited play with other children so i thought his social skills would be very sensitive but he may be proving Mummy wrong. The nightmare happened when we got home. I had a note through the door to say that the postie had left a parcel round the back for me. So i went out the back to get it, closing the door shut behind me or Corey tries to follow me. Well i couldn't get back in. The lock was stuck and i totally panicked. I tried for a good 10 mins and was actually at the point of finding a brick to break the window when it suddenly just gave way and the door opened. nI wouldn't have minded if i'd just have been stuck outside but Corey was in the house on his own! Relief?? OMG Yes!!
I've had better days! I slept terrible and then woke with an amazing thick head which continued to get worse. Then my period pains kicked in around lunch time and have been horrendous :( So i'm in need of love and huggles! I've already been to bed for a couple of hours when Dave came home but it hasn't done very much. Hopefully if i can get a good nights sleep i'll feel better.
I had to go to nursery to fill in forms today. I was there about an hour going through all of Coreys needs and explaining his birth and the problems he has had. Everyone was really lovely and they made us feel right at home. Corey had the choice of playing with the other kids or coming with me. At first he was apprehensive as it was all new to him and he clung to my legs but 2 minutes in and he was drawing chalk pictures and never even saw me leave the room. An hour later and i found him playing outside with hula hoops with the other kids. I was ecstatic. She said he had been all smiles and to be honest he was reluctant to leave. We go again Wednesday morning for another hour where i will leave him but, to be honest, i'm not nearly as nervous now.
Here are some pictures from today. The first one is a layout i eventually finished today(started it Thursday!) then my gorgeous AMM tote which i recieved after umming and ahhhing about for months and lastly my gorgeous boy from this afternoon(yes i have forgiven him from last night!)
Now don't get me wrong, i love my son very much, but some days i would gladly sell him to the highest bidder! Last night i would have sold him for £5! He went to bed at 7pm as normal and messed around for an hour until i told him to lay down and go to sleep which he did. Now bearing in mind i haven't slept properly for 3 wks i was very tired. I took some herbally tablets and at 10pm i fell asleep(which is amazing in itself) only to be woken by crying just before 3am. This went on intermittently until 530am this morning and so you can imagine i was a little miffed! He did then go to sleep until 8am but i am now very tired and will probably be in a bad mood today(watch out hubby!) Oh the joys of motherhood!
Feeling really tired this morning. I can't wait til this afternoon when DH is home for the weekend. Tomorrow i get to lie in, woohoooooooo! I'm just trying to sort out some sales. I've been selling some of my older stuff to make way for newer stuff and kits that i've ordered. I've already sold some of my sizzix dies which i rarely use now and am also selling some of my Heidi Swapp stamps. They've never been out of the box and i think i only bought them because of the hype. I've had some lovely stuff arrive too recently. Lots of Bazzill cardstock, Bazzill swatchbox and lots of cropper hopper storage. I just put an order in last night at Croppin Paradise as they have a sale on so got loads of stuff for around £30. I also forgot to mention that i have entered the Best of British competition( of which i am pretty sure i don't stand a chance) and my Winter in the Garden layout actually made it into the Basic Grey gallery!!
Corey has had an eye examination booked for 6 months(since the last time he went). It has been wrote on the calendar all this time, and i completely forgot! DH came home and said when is his eye test and it clicked. I feel such an idiot. I know it's not that important but i had missing appointments! Talking of eyes i think i forgot to blog that Corey currently has a black one. He was playing with a huge teddy in his cot when he slipped and fell forward banging it on the side of the cot. Accident prone?? Why yes!!
Yesterday we visited the nursery where Corey shall be going. Louise the deputy manager showed us around and it looks great. He will be in the Teddy room with the other 2-3 yr olds. They have this big 'messy' room to play in and draw and paint etc.. They also have there meals together in there. Then they have a seperate room with lots of toys in and dressing up clothes and also a quite room for reading and sleeping. Amazingly there were 1/2 dozen children asleep when we arrived. We go next Monday so i can fill in lots of paperwork and Corey gets to play while i am there. Then next wednesday he stays for an hour on his own and then the following Wednesday he starts properly. I don't know whether to laugh or cry!
Well this weekend we went to Chester. DH sprung it on me Friday afternoon that we were going, it was an early valentine gift for me. So we set off early Saturday morning, stopping at Mcdonalds for breakfast and headed straight for Chester Zoo. We were so looking forward to Corey going, is first time there, but he seemed totally unimpressed. He did occasionally show some interest but I was certainly the excited one as it was the first time we'd been since i'd got my new camera and i was dying to get some close up shots of the animals. Here's some of my few hundred pictures.
Then we went over to the hotel which was nice. Only a Travel Inn but the room was nice with the biggest bed i have ever seen! Then we headed off into Chester and mouched around the shops for a while(it was so busy) and then went to Bella Italia for some food. More mouching around the shops and then we went back to the hotel for a quite night in. It was just so nice not to have to worry about housework and cooking etc.. Was a nightmare trying to get Corey to sleep as i think he was excited but he did go to sleep eventually. Sunday morning we got up early and went down for a nice full english breakfast! Then we checked out and headed for The Blue Planet Aquarium. Corey actually enjoyed this more than the zoo as he could get really up close to them. They also have an interactive tank where you can put your hands in and touch the fish and the rays and Corey got straight in, in fact he got soaked cause he loved splashing that much. Then we went and had a look around the retail park and had some lunch before coming home. All in all it was a good weekend. It was slightly marred by the fact that i didn't make the 'A trip down memory lane' Design Team. I was a runner up though and received £20 to spend on stash in their shop. I guess i'll just have to apply for more stuff :)
I just wanted to say sorry to anyone who has tagged me recently. I just haven't had the time(or inclination) to do them. So sorry. I promise to be a good girl in future!
I just recently came across these and thought what a bargain. The stamps are half the price of the perfect ones. But any letter that is damaged is replced with a perfect individual stamp. How cool!! Fontwerks!
Corey had his developmental assessment today. The doctor was really pleased with him although i was amazed how how little he actually did with him and how quickly the appointment was over. He had Corey doing things with some little beads and he gave them to Corey to put into cups which he did. He got a teddy bear and a dolly and asked Corey where the dollys hair was and fingers etc.. which he got right. He gave him a spoon and plate and Corey pretended to pick up food with it, plus he was asked to give teddy a drink and brush the dollys hair which he did. He couldn't however do the shape sorter that he was given and although he knows all the names for the shapes as we've done it at home he failed to cooperate when asked where the car was and the clock etc.. Anyway the doctor thinks he is doing well considering his start. We don't need to go back to the neonatal followup unit anymore now so he is obviously pleased. We will however be referred to The Ryegate centre which deals with children who have special needs so he can be assessed every 6 months. This is so basically we don't fall through the cracks and get forgotten about and he gets the necessary follow up he may or may not require, so i am happy with that. Afterwards we went into the neonatal unit to say hello. They are always thrilled to see him and today was no exception. They thought i had exchanged him for someone elses child lol! This afternoon hubby has announced that we are going away for the weekend to Chester as an Anniversary present. Going tomorrow morning we are going to go to Chester Zoo tomorrow, nice evening in a hotel then Sunday we will have a wander round Chester and then if we have time go to The Blue Planet aquarium. I'm so excited!
Today is Corey's due date birthday. It's a special day to me because he is officially 2 yrs old today even though his birthday is in November. Today is the day he 'should' have been born 2 yrs ago. Oh how different things would have been!
I rang the Nursery up today to arrange to go see them. She was so lovely on the phone. I explained about his feeding problems and she said they will accommodate him the best way they can. If they need to cook him special meals and give him 1-2-1 attention then they will. I feel alot more at ease now and hope the meeting goes well on Monday.
I received some books in the post today for Corey from my gorgeous friend Jennifer who lives in the States. Can you believe she sent them in November and i only just got them :o Anyway, one of the is called Love you Forever. Well can i tell you that i sobbed my heart out when i read it, and i mean sobbed. It moved me so much. It's basically about a mother who sings to her son everynight - I'll love you forever, I'll love you for always, As long as I'm living my baby you'll be. Even through his teens and after he leaves home she waits til he's asleep then takes him in her arms and sings it to him. Then the day comes when she is too ill to sing it to him and there is a picture of him in a rocking chair with his dear Mum in his arms and he is the one singing it to her. When he gets home he then goes into his daughters room where he sngs the same song. You have to read it, it's so moving *sniff*
Well i am currently sat here trying to keep my eyes open so i think i may go to bed in a few minutes :) Corey was awake at 6:15am this morning so not a great start to the day. I try to leave him as long as possible in the hope he'll go back to sleep but at 6:30am he was having non of it so we got up. Then he whinged constantly all morning and most of the afternoon until about 4pm when he managed to poop. Even with the meds he is on for his constipation i still think he's a bit clogged up(sorry TMI!) and although it's easy to pass i think he gets tummy ache. So lots of cleaning, washing, ironing, shopping and stuff going on today. The Laura(my stepdaughter) came for her birthday presents as it's her 18th tomorrow but she's going out with friends so had her pressies today. Well she loved them all, wasn't anything she didn't like so was pleased. She seemt to like the album i made her but wasn't as enthusiastic as i'd hoped, that's teenagers for you i guess! ANyway she loved the camera and was playing about with it all night. She babysat for us while Dave and I went to the pictures. We went to see Fun with Dick and Jane. It was ok but not brilliant. Something i'm glad i've seen but not something i'd watch again i don't think. Jim Carrey is funny though! Ooo and on a good note, my picture of a waterfall i took earlier this month has made it into the final 20 of a Photography competition. I am very pleased :) Goodnight my fellow blog buddies!
Name: Cath Home: Sheffield, United Kingdom About Me: A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for. See my complete profile